Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Suggestions for improving the playgrounds in Tampines

Pasir Ris Secondary School
Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

21 July 2008
Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member Of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah,

Suggestion for improving the playgrounds in Tampines

I have seeb the playgrounds in Tampines.The playgrounds there has been dedicated to all the people's needs. Almost every evening,i would see many childern coming out of their HDB flats to the playground to play with each other. The playgrounds are beautiful and are decorated with plants around the playgrounds.
However,your playgrounds have fail;ed to provide enough foe these children.The playgrounds do not have many facilities. You could have added merry-go-rounds abd swings.One more thing about your playgrounds is that the palygrounds you have made can only be used by normal children.
There are many disabled children in Singapore, especially in the Tampines area. You should make some playgrounds that can be used by the physically and visually handicapped children.
My friends and I recently did a project about building a playground for the physically handicapped.
The physically handicapped playgrounds eases the children's movement and there will be some obstacles in the playground which will make it challenging for the children. After completing the obstacles, the children might feel more confident. The play ground should have ramps so that the children with wheelchairs can go up. Swings can also be installed. However, safety precaution must be taken so that the children will feel like flying . Safety belts must be installed into the swings so that the children will feel safe while having fun. The flooring can be made of rubber, so that when the children accidentally fall off their wheelchairs, they will not be injured.
Thank You for your time and attention i look forward to your reply.
Yours Truly,
Jason Law Yi Wei
Pasir Ris Secondary School

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Letter to Minister Mah

Tel: 6501 0800Fax: 6501 0900

21 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development,
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah,

Suggestions and feedbacks about improving the playgrounds in Tampines

We went around looking at the various playgrounds found in Tampines neighbourhood.After visiting these playgrounds,we have come up with an idea for building a playground specially designed for the handicapped people.

The playground will have ramps to make it more accessible and it will also provide handicap accessible playing equipment for the handicapped so they can enjoy playing just like the normal children,this can make the handicapped people more cheerful and happy. The playground is covered with soft material as to cushion the child's fall so they won’t get hurt so easily when they fall.The playground will be colourful so as to attract the handicap to the playground. The playground helps the handicap to widen their knowledge they also will be able to foster friendship so that they would not be lonely the children will be able to overcome fear as there will be many challenges such as they will move around on their own with safety measures.This playground can slowly build up their own confidence as the time goes by.

As I was walking around the playgrounds in the neighbourhood,I noticed that the handicaps are always sitting by on the bench looking at the children running around and playing in the playground.It’s very upset to see that the handicaps are always left behind and this could demoralize the confidence in themselves.I seldom see handicaps trying out the playground by themselves,so if we build a specially designed playground for handicap we will be able to see more handicap
at the playground with laughter being heard miles away and their bright smiles on their faces.

We could install ramps for the handicaps to ease their accessibility to the playground.We could also design swings with seat belts for the handicap so that they will not fall so easily.The flooring of the playground should be rubber so that when they fall,they would not get hurt so easily.Railings should be included in the playground to assist them to move around more freely.

I really hope that you could look into this suggestion as soon as possible.I look forward to see the playground built for the handicap.I would also like to thank you for your precious time in reading this letter.

Yours sincerely,
Gan Ding Zhan
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

letter to mah bow tan

Pasir Ris Secondary School

21July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister For National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Minister Mah,

Suggestions for improving the playgrounds in Tampines

We did some research about the various playgrounds that allow handicaps to use it. These playgrounds could make the lives of the handicaps more enjoyable as they might not have experience playing on the playground before. We have come up with an idea of a handicap playground.

This playground eases handicaps in the movement of the playground as they have difficulty in moving around. They also will be able to foster friendship so that they would not be lonely. The handicaps will be able to overcome fear as there will be many challenges such as they will move around on their own with safety measures and parents would be able to accompany them to ensure their safety. It is specially designed for the handicapped children. It has special learning corners to let the children learn. This could build up their confidence in themselves.

I have researched about the playground in Tampines neighborhood and have noticed that the handicaps are not able to use the playgrounds and whenever the children are playing the playground the handicaps would just sit one side and watch then play. The playgrounds do not have facilities that could be used for the handicaps. Their faces looked as if they had been abandoned. It is very heartening to see their sad faces I hope I could help them but I cannot.

The playgrounds in Tampines could be installed with ramps that ease the accessibility of the handicaps. Swings make children feel like they can fly. Good swing set seats lets them experience that feeling while staying safe. Special swing seats could be built in with safety belts that secure the handicap’s safety and would prevent them from falling down. The flooring could be made of rubber so it would be able to impact the falling. Railings could guide the handicaps and could be installed around the inside of the playground.

I hope that the authorities could look into the matter as soon as possible.

Yours truly,
Arnold Pok Shun Jie
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary School